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Please select one term from the following list:
Swinging | Sag to leeward, To | Sailing trim | Sally-port | Salvage | Scanting | Scudd | Scuttle | Scuttling | Sea | Sea-boat | Sea-cloths | Sea-mark | Seams | Sea-room | Seaze | Seazeing | Sending | Serve | Setting | Set sail, To | Set up, To | Settle | Shank of an anchor | Shank-painter | Shape a course, To | Sheer | Sheers | Sheering | Sheer-hulk | Sheer off, To | Sheet | Sheet home, To | Shift the helm, To | Ship, To | Ship-shank | Ship shape | Shivering | Shoal | Shoe | Shoot a-head, To | Shore | Shorten sail, To | Shrouds | Sinnett | Skidds | Slack-water | Scud, To | Slip the cable, To | Slue, To | Sound | Spars | Spanish burton-windlass | Spear of the pump | Spill the mizen, To | Sipi, To | Spilling-lines | Splice | Split | Spoon drift | Spray | Spring | Spring-stays | Spring-tides | Sprint a mast, yard; To | Spring a-leak, To | Spring the luff, To | Spun-yarn | Spur-shores | Spurling-line | Squadron | Squall | Square | Square the yards, To | Stand on, To | Stand in, To | Stand off, To | Starboard | Starboard-tack | Starboard the helm! | Stay a ship, To | Stay-peak | Stays | Steady! | Steady | Steady the ship | Steering | Steerage-way | Steeve | Stem the tide, To | Stem | Stern | Sternfast | Sternmost | Sternway | Stiff | Stirrup | Stoppers | Stow, To | Strand | Stranded | Stream the buoy, To | Stretch-out | Strike, To | Strike soundings, To | Strops | Sued or Sewed | Surf | Surge the capstern, To | Sway | Sway away | Swab | Swell | Sweeping | Swift the capstern bars |
Por Favor selecciona una letra de la siguiente lista para consultar los términos:
[ A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N ]
[ O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z ]
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