| |
Please select one term from the following list:
Halyards | Hail, To | Handing | Hand the sail, To | Hand-over-hand | Handsomely | Handspike | Hank | Hank-for-Hank | Harbor | Hard a-lee | Hard a-weather | Haul, To | Haul the wind, To | Hawse | Hawse-holes | Hawser | Head-fast | Head-most | Head-sails | Head-sea | Head-to-wind | Head-way | Heave, To | Heave a-head, To | Heave a-peak, To | Heave a-stern, To | Heave down, To | Heave in the cable, To | Heave-in stays, To | Heave out, To | Heave tight, or taut, To | Heave the capstern, To | Heave the lead, To | Heave the log, To | Heave to, To | Heave handsomely | Heave heartily | Heave of the sea | Heel, To | Helm | Helm a-lee | Helm a-weather | High-and-dry | Hitch | Hoist, To | Hold | Hold its own, To | Hold on, To | Home | Horse | Hoy | Hull of the ship | Hull down | Hull-to | Hull a ship, To | Hulk |
Por Favor selecciona una letra de la siguiente lista para consultar los términos:
[ A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N ]
[ O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z ]
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